


Institute for Natural Philosophy

Research Center for ancient History

The Mission of the Institute is to create a hub for alternative researchers to put forward their theories, philosophies and research.
In 2024, the focus is to expand the Institute by exploring the unexplored and to unveil the unseen.
Join us as we bring into light what is still in shadows, the mighty powers of the ancient world brought to life.

Meet the team

We are a team of independent thinkers, creators, and reserachers who are passionate about ancient history and the ancient world. We are dedicated to providing the best content and research to our followers.

  • Team Members

    Guilherme Reis

    Principal Architect / Founder

    Gui, also known as Nebiru, is a 24 year old Computer Scientist and Ancient History passionate, responsible for the IT infrastructure of the institute.

  • Team Members

    Phillip Corbett

    Independent Researcher / Founder

    Phil developed an affinity to finding the truth about our ancient world while serving in the Royal Navy as a Naval Aircraft Engineer Green Beret.
    He is responsible for assembling the individuals into a team that worked together which ultimately led to the formation of the Institute for Natural Philosophy.

  • Team Members

    Ricardo Calvário

    Independent Researcher / Founder

    Ricardo Calvário, is a 48 years old writer, both of Fictional Mythology, Cosmology and Consciousness, factual investigative History research papers and articles. He is also an archivist, a teacher and researcher with 30+ years of dedicated investigation.

  • Team Members

    Steve Wilbur


    Steve Wilbur has always had an analytical mind. He eventually became fully self-employed in 2000 launching two companies simultaneously: Specialized Labor Services and Our 3 Scents. He is also fascinated and confused by world ancient history. The confusion comes from the official timelines given and the original uses listed for some ancient sites.